Friday, September 27, 2013

The Mainstream Media Does Fine Journalism

M&F often pokes fun of the mainstream media, because they are clueless and don't have the balls to report true investigative journalism.

And it is always funny when street art makes the mainstream, because it is such a watered down bullshit portrayal of the genre, that one begins to realize everything on the mainstream evening news is watered down bullshit.  Even the grandparents have turned the evening news off.  Does anyone still watch this bunk?

Well, NBC Los Angeles just did a 3 minute feature on where Banksy's teaser might be located in LA. No, there are no new answers, and its hardly worth watching.  But M&F does think it is quite funny how NBC inserted Melrose and Fairfax into the title without mentioning, interviewing, or crediting MELROSEandFAIRFAX:

Keep up the fine journalism, mainstream news.~

Stay up, Los Angeles!

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